There she blows

Source: Archival footage, between 1908-1966, of whaling expeditions in South Pacific, South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland and elsewhere. Between 1950-1956, Onassis had success in legal and illegal whaling expeditions at the Peruvian coast. Onassis and Callas met in 1957. The footage was collected by various sources and edited. The audio is from Maria Calla’s celebrated performance of ‘Norma: Casta Diva’ at Opera Paris, 1958.

Single-screen video, stereo, sourced footage, 4:9, 6min, 2016
7 Years ago

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About the artist

Janis Rafa

based between Amsterdam and Athens


118 works in mixed mediavideo

Member for:

member for 16 Years


Athens Greece
see "There she blows" on Janis Rafa's website

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