New Wave Wang-Eyed Pop Folk Art

By tim bradford

New Wave Wang-Eyed Pop Folk Art

I like self-portraits, particular those done by kids. It seems like a useful way of getting to know what someone feels about themselves. However, I’m not really into my own self-portraits – I’ve done the odd illustrated/sketched version though these haven’t really developed much since the days when I would sketch self-portraits in my school rough book while not-listening to the maths teacher.

“Is that really how you see yourself?” asked a friend. I’m not sure, really. It does make me look like my dad. Or my dad with a blondish beard and scruffy hair.

The wang-eyed reference is to do with my detached retina 10 years ago. Floaters appeared very suddenly in my left eye and I had an emergency operation at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Afterwards the world has never looked quite the same. Eveything seems narrower when I look through my left eye – people’s faces are thinner and straight lines looke slightly crooked. Using my right eye as well just about compensates for this strange effect.

The blue and red sides of the canvas are to do with the different colour casts of my right and left eye. It’s especially noticeable when looking at trees and fields. This is something I’ve always had. Doesn’t everybody?

2013 © Tim Bradford

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Acrylic on canvas
10 Years ago

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Discovering A Unified Theory of Everything While Seated At a Bar in the West of Ireland
tim bradford

New wave wang-eyed pop folk art


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