Three Small Pebbles

If I gaze at anything for long enough,  the sense of linear division can dissolve. Here, the pebbles’ ‘fuzzyness’ suggests something of the ways in which all things - even those as solid as these stones - are subject to change over time.

Framed in 1.5cm x 1.5cm pine, with off-white mount.

Similar work can be seen on the ‘Time and Tide’ and ‘Stonescapes’ pages of my website.

9 x 10 cm
Pencil Crayon
5 Years ago

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(ruler scale: 2m  -  6'6")

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About the artist

Fiona Ormerod

Works mainly in oil paint and oil pastels; inspired by the natural world: from studies of small organic forms to large sea and skyscapes.


221 works in paintingdrawings

Member for:

member for 11 Years


Cumbria United Kingdom
see "Three Small Pebbles" on Fiona Ormerod's website

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