Štefan Ziegler

Art photography, painting, impresionismus, surrealism, figurative and portrait work, making gift items, photoart

Štefan Ziegler

Based in Detva, Slovakia (Slovak Republic). member for 1 Year

Stránka slúži na propagáciu mojej tvorby a tvorby mojich priateľov. Nájdete tu predovšetkých graficky upravené fotografie s dojmom maľby, ďalej impresionistické, surrealistické maľby, portrétnu tvorbu, figurálnu tvorbu aj folklórne námety. U malieb prevládajú maľby na plátno a na drevo, nájdete tu aj maľované úžitkové predmety. Zverejnené diela sú určená na predaj. V prípade záujmu radi vyhotovia aj obrazy na objednávku.
The site is used to promote my work and the work of my friends. Here you will find mainly graphic photographs with the impression of painting, then impressionist, surrealist paintings, portrait work, figurative work and folklore themes. Paintings on canvas and on wood predominate, and you will also find painted utilitarian objects. Published works are for sale. They are also happy to produce paintings to commission if desired.

Joined artweb
member for 1 Year
Price range
from $42.91 to $1931

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  • accepts bank transfer
  • international delivery
  • 14 day cancellation period
  • delivery usually 7 days

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